Ashburton River Trail

Perfect for family and young children, the Ashburton River Trail is a safe and easy bike or walk for everyone

Safe Biking in Ashburton

The Ashburton River Trail is a really quite off the beaten path track that runs from the Ashburton bridge out towards the coast.  Parts of it are covered in by the trees and has some small undulating tracks which is great for mountain biking for the little ones and other parts are completely flat  My youngest boy has been biking along the trail on a balance bike since he was 15 months old.

After biking a section, we always find one of the outlets to the river and sit on the edge and throw stones  I don’t know what it is about boys and throwing stones, but they can just do it for hours.

Where to access the River Trail

I quite enjoy it here because its so quiet and underutilised.  The entrance where Beach Rd meets Trevors Road is a good place to park, and also to view the motorcycle park.  Our boys love to watch the motorbikes zoom past.  Or our favourite place (map to the right) is a good clearing with access to the lake and the trail from the other end of the Motorbike Park (Milton Road South entrance)

Other Activities within an hours drive




Founder of Backyard Travel Family

Jen is a super organiser when it comes to travel. Having travelled extensively in Europe and Africa, has lived in London and the USA and holidayed in many parts of Asia, she is not a newbie to the travel space

Jen has three young children, 5 and under and travels around New Zealand with them.

Backyard Travel Family New Zealand. Lets share these articles and spread the love

what you need to know


- I usually park at the Trevors Road entrance which is very close to town and near the dog park, or at Milton Rd South. (Milton Road is good for flat biking and strollers, Trevors Rd has more turns/undulating
- Free car parking. It does look like you are in a deserted lot, but you are in the right place

The trail

- Dirt and leaves, can sometimes be a bit muddy after the rain
- Some shade from the trees


- Dog park next door
- No toilets at the walk.
- Closest public toilets on the corner of Burnett and East Street in town
- Countdown Supermarket (close) on South Street have customer toilets in the bakery section

What to bring

Short trail so just your bikes and some water

Food options

Cafes and Restaurants around East Street and West Street. Our favs are Cleavers Corner (Corner of West St and Tancred St) and Somerset Grocer (Burnett Street)

Further information

Ashburton/Hakatere River Trail Map

What the critics thought

Mum lets me ride my bike really fast on the track, but there aren't many hills. I like to see how far I can throw big rocks in the river. One time we saw a lady on horse ride past us
Backyard Travel Family / Your go to for practical advice for active families travelling around New Zealand
5 year old adventurer
I come to this trail because its not too far from home, its peaceful and a safe place for the kids to bike.
Backyard Travel Family / Your go to for practical advice for active families travelling around New Zealand
Chief Travel Organiser
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