Breathtaking views atop Hanmer Springs’ Conical Hill: A Must Do Walk in Hanmer Springs

Conical Hill Walk, Hanmer Springs 

The Conical Hill walk is a steep but short 1 hour return walk giving the best views of Hanmer Springs, the forests and surrounding mountain ranges.  While signposts suggest it takes about an hour return, we found this was generous, given it took us just over 20 minutes to reach the top with a 4 year old in tow. The zig zag trail is 550m long and is pretty steep, but given that it is short, I would put it in the easy category.

If you are after a short Hanmer Springs walk, I would choose this one


The trail begins at the end of Conical Hill Road.  There are a small set of wooden stairs and a small green sign marking the trail.  At the top is a 360 degree shelter, pointing out north, south, east and west. You can see all over the Hanmer Springs Township, and keep your eyes peeled for the bridge you crossed heading into town.  If you head out of the shelter and see a shiny metal structure, go and take a look. It points out the names and heights of the mountains in the area. See if you can find the popular walk to Mt Isobel.  

The Conical Hill walk is well sheltered in the forest and protected from sun and wind.  I must say that summer walks would definitely get hot up this hill, so am glad for a bit of shade.

The main Conical Hill walk also links to other Hanmer walking trails.  About half way up, a right turn will link you to the Majuba track, ending out near Pawsons Road.

Other awesome things to do in Hanmer Springs



Founder of Backyard Travel Family

Jen is a super organiser when it comes to travel. Having travelled extensively in Europe and Africa, has lived in London and the USA and holidayed in many parts of Asia, she is not a newbie to the travel space

Jen has three young children, 6 and under and travels around New Zealand with them.

Sun streaming through the forest trees on the Conical Hill Track in Hanmer Springs
Kipton looks up at the tall trees in the forest on the Conical Hill Walk
Backyard Travel Family New Zealand. Lets share these articles and spread the love

what you need to know


The Conical Hill Hanmer walk starts at the hill end of Conical Hill Road. You will see a set of shallow wooden stairs and a small sign next to a driveway

The track

- shaded track
- compacted dirt and pine needles, some gravel
- dry dirt can be a little slippery on the downhill
- 45 minutes - 1 hour return
- steep switchback uphill track

Suitable for kids?

The track is all uphill and it is quite steep, but overall short, so young kids with perserverance will be ok. My 4 year old walked it without trouble. School aged kids will be fine. It took us about 20 minutes uphill.


- parking on the side of the road
- no toilets or facilities
- shaded track all the way to the top and well sheltered from the elements

What to bring

- water bottle
- camera
- decent shoes, jandals on the downhill would be no fun.

Food options

4 Square Supermarket down the hill in Hanmer Village. Cafes, bars and restaurants are aplenty here.

What the critics thought

I got up early to walk this track with Mummy. Nathan didn't want to go. It didnt take too long... I found a cool stick and I could see a long way at the top. I think I want to climb an even bigger mountain next time.
Backyard Travel Family / Your go to for practical advice for active families travelling around New Zealand
4 year old Firecracker
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